Running a successful design business can be demanding, but you don’t have to do it alone. Whether you work 1:1 with clients or have a thriving template shop, I’m here to support you.

design support for showit designers

White Label Packages

You’re a mama (or anyone with a personal life!) and want to let go of some responsibilities so you can spend less time in work mode.

enjoy life outside of business

You want to scale, but don’t have time to take on more 1:1 work.

acheive your big goals

You’re booked and busy, and need help tackling all the projects!

get more time back in your day

Is hiring a white label designer right for you?

My monthly retainer package allows us to work together on an on-going basis. You are reserving my time, with freedom to send me a variety of tasks based on what makes sense for your monthly and weekly plans. This set up gives you more flexibility than one-off projects and a consistent design partner!

Monthly White Label Retainers

all inclusive • 1 limited spot available!

Lite Retainer

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Flexibility in project types. You’ll have the freedom to delegate a mix of design tasks (branding, web design, SEO, Canva templates, etc.). We’ll chat on your discovery call about typical turnaround times.

Weekly prep. We’ll touch base weekly every Friday so you can hand off your task list and any materials needed the week ahead!

Time for feedback & revisions. Your feedback is always welcome, and your retainer includes time for any edits that you or your clients may have.

Unlimited communication via Slack, email, and the project management tool of your choice. You can expect to hear back from me the same day within my office hours of 10 am - 4 pm EST.

All Packages Include:


32 hours per month / 8 hours per week*
Payment Plan: $360/week due on Fridays

Signature Retainer


60 hours per month / 15 hours per week*
Payment Plan: $675/week due on Fridays

*My current hourly rate is $45/hour

This is a flexible retainer, so that you don’t have to only book me for one thing. You are reserving my time, with freedom to send me a variety of tasks based on what makes sense for your monthly and weekly plans.

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What tasks are included in your retainer?


brand design • custom web design • template customizations • mobile optimizations • showit templates • canva templates flodesk templates • client edits • launch graphics

- Sierra J.

Maya has the unique ability to take complex projects and execute with speed, dedication, efficiency, and mastery that truly takes my breath away. As an agency owner, I've worked with many contracters, and I can say with no reservation that Maya's skills, expertise, and professionality place her among the very best of the best!"

My favorite part about working with Maya (aside from her AMAZING eye for design and natural design genius!) is her organizational superpowers.

Attention to detail and quality are always priorities. While revisions are always welcome, my clients rarely have many edits!

Projects are delivered on time. I strive to work at an efficient pace so that we can make the most of our time together.

Adapting to different design styles is fun for me. I consider myself to be a “design chameleon” - I adapt to the brand style of each client project.

Clear communication makes the process easier. I’ll let you know what to expect every step of the way, and you’ll have the direct line to me during your VIP day.


Clients have shared that they love working with me because:

Work with a designer you can trust to do quality work that you’ll be proud to present to your clients.

During the past 3 years as a white label designer, I’ve had the honor of working with several top Showit designers on dozens of projects. While I’ve done pretty much every design task you can think of between white labeling and working with my own clients, my greatest strengths are in Showit website design (both custom and template customizations), brand design, and SEO work. Using my design skills to support fellow designers truly lights me up!


Hi, I’m Maya!

inquire today →

Great question! The standard hours for each package were chosen because they allow a reasonable time for me to get things done. But I understand that you will have slow and busy seasons. I try my best to be flexbile. We will chat monthly and weekly about what’s coming up on both of our calendars so we can plan accordingly. If you don’t use all of your hours in a week, you will only be billed for the hours used. If you need more time, we can chat about my availability and bill the additional hours at my hourly rate of $45/hr.

What if I don’t need 8/15 hours every week? Or what if I need more time?

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, I love Showit templates! I’ve done white label work for a few template designers, and also have my own shop. Examples of white label template tasks I’ve done are mobile optimization and new template design (there is special pricing for this, inquire for details!). Matching collateral for templates (ex: Canva and Flodesk templates) are also options. I’d also love to chat about doing white label template customizations for your shop customers!

I’m a Showit template designer, can you do white label work for me?

This will depend on the tasks you are delegating. Common items include Showit account access, copywriting, images, font files, and finalized logo designs. Once we’ve decided on the tasks for each week, I’ll let you know what I need and how to submit it!

What will I need to provide?

No, you will own all of the rights to the finished design work! This is a white label design service, which means I do the work and your design studio gets the credit.

Will you take credit for the design work?

Currently, I only design websites using Showit! So, any website tasks that you submit must be for a Showit site. Thanks for your understanding!

Do you work on websites on platforms other than Showit?

okay, tell me more →

Check out my Get it Done VIP Days

not ready for a retainer yet?