My white label retainer workflow for flexibility & efficiency

The 3 fundamentals of a great white label relationship

How to prepare for hiring a white label designer

Learn how to work with white label designers

free workshop: outsource with ease

Live September 18, 2024 - 2 pm ET

free to attend, join waitlist for zoom link!

During the past 3 years as a white label designer, I’ve had the honor of working with several top Showit designers on dozens of projects. While I’ve done pretty much every design task you can think of between white labeling and working with my own clients, my greatest strengths are in Showit website design (both custom and template customizations), brand design, and SEO work. Using my design skills to support fellow designers truly lights me up!


Hi, I’m Maya!

This is a workshop for brand & website designers who are interested in outsourcing projects to a white label designer. I've heard several designers say that they hesitated to work with a white label designer because they weren't sure how much it would cost or how it would work, didn't want to feel sleazy, or feared getting their trade secrets stolen. Some designers also feel like the admin side of outsourcing is more work than its worth. If you can relate to any of that, this workshop is for you! I'll debunk some white label myths, clarify what white label work is, and help you prepare for working with a white label designer in a way that's mutually beneficial.

who is this workshop for?

Frequently Asked Questions

Great question! This is a workshop on how to hire a white label designer, not how to be a white label designer. If you want to learn how to start a white label design business, Amy of Calluna Collective has an amazing course, One Week to White Label. (*Affiliate link disclaimer: This is an affiliate link, if you click through and make a purchase, I make a small commission at no extra cost to you.)

I'm a designer who wants to start white labeling, where can I learn how?

If you're feeling like it was time to hire help yesterday, or even if you think it might be time to hire help soon, now is a great time to learn more about working with a white label designer.

why should i attend?

Yes, there will be a replay! The live Zoom call will be recorded, and an email with the link to access the replay will be sent out after.

what if I can't make it live, will there be a replay?

Yes, I am currently accepting new white label clients! I have one limited spot available for a White Label Retainer, and I also offer VIP Days.

can I hire you for white label design?